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Foster Youth

Parents by Choice (Downtown Stockton)


  1. Right to remain in your school of origin

  2. Right to immediate enrollment in school

  3. Right to partial credits for high school students

  4. Graduation rights

  5. School discipline rights

  6. Right to your school records

If you believe your education rights have been violated, you can file a complaint. The school has 60 days to investigate and give you a written response. For information about how to file a complaint, please visit, or call the California Dept. of Education Coordinated School Health and Safety Office at (916) 319-0914. For more information about your education rights, please see the Foster Youth Education Toolkit (www. or the California Youth Education Task Force ( You also can contact one of  Lincoln Unified’s Foster Youth Educational liaisons: Eva Salto (209) 953-8685 or Nicole Merolla (209) 953-8878.

EDUCATION RIGHTS HOLDERS Every foster youth under age 18 must have an education rights holder, who is required to make education decisions in the youth’s best interest. Foster youth who are 18 or older have the right to make their own education decisions. Your education rights holder may be your parent or legal guardian, your caregiver, or another person chosen by the court. Your education rights holder cannot be your social worker or probation officer, your attorney, or group home or school staff members. It is important to know who your education rights holder is. If you need information about who your education rights holder is, you can contact your social worker or attorney.