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About Measure A

Measure A is a $48.5 million bond measure that was approved at the June 4, 2012, election which authorizes funding to modernize, replace, renovate, expand, construct, acquire, equip, furnish and otherwise improve the classrooms and school facilities of the District. Measure A allows Lincoln USD to make the following improvements throughout the District:

  • Repair or replace leaky roofs
  • Improve student access to computers and modern technology
  • Renovate, repair, construct and/or upgrade classrooms, restrooms and school facilities
  • Repair or replace outdated heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems with building code compliant, energy efficient systems
  • Make health, safety, and security improvements throughout the District, such as installing security fencing, cameras, and lighting
  • Federal and State-mandated Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility upgrades including site access, parking, staff and student restrooms, relocation of some existing electrical devices, drinking fountains, playground equipment, etc.
  • Upgrade/construct playgrounds, play structures and athletic fields and facilities for school and community use
  • Repair and upgrade roofs, walls, and floors
  • Install, replace or upgrade fire alarm and security systems
  • Repair or replace outdated windows
  • Replace temporary portable classrooms with permanent classrooms or renovate existing portable classrooms
  • Make facility improvements to increase the District’s energy efficiency, including installing solar panels
  • Upgrade school site parking, utilities and grounds
  • Upgrade, renovate and equip labs, multipurpose rooms, the theater building and classrooms, food service facilities, auditoriums, libraries, and other school facilities
  • Replace existing wiring systems to meet current electrical and accessibility codes and increased capacity
  • Federal and State-mandated Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) safety upgrades including playground equipment replacement
  • Abate and remove hazardous materials identified prior or during construction
  • Upgrade and expand telecommunications
  • Repair, replace and/or upgrade paved surfaces, turf, and other grounds to eliminate safety hazards and improve outside instructional areas